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# Tuesday, 04 May 2004

I've released eventually the next version of SCCBridge project. I've fixed there several bugs and improved a bit the integration module to Visual Studio .NET 2003.

The latest changes are:

  • Fix the bug with adding to repository bunch of projects (reported by Tim at 4/12/2004 7:04:41 PM).
  • The client-side cache for integration module to VS.NET is implemented. This allows to improve a bit productivity of this module (reported by Mark Rose at 3/26/2004 3:29:10 AM).
  • The “Select Project Dialog“ in integration module was fixed.
  • From now the integration module supports MSSCCPRJ.SCC files.
  • I've implemented some functionality of MSSCCI ver1.2 that also quicken up integration module
  • I've changed a bit Test() method of web service. From now it requires user name and password and tries to connect using of them. In case of error it shows stack trace that simplifies configuration of the service.
  • From now there is an ability to turn off support of RSA encrypting during login.
  • There are also some minor changes in web service (e.g. I've implemented IsControlled() web method that allows to quicken up the integration module to VS.NET).

I've investigated also how to access from web service to SourceSafe database placed on LAN. Take a look at my recommendation in “read me.txt“ file in /BridgeServer web folder. I've included also these recommendations to my documentation.

I've separated binary files from sources. You can download the SCCBridge server, SCCBridge client separately. The sources as solution for Visual Studio .NET 2003 are available by e-mail request. From now, three additional sub projects (SCCDiff, SCCGUI and SCCPSwitcher) are including to sources. Also I've included sources of SharpZipLib for consistency.

I'm keep working on improvement of SCCBridge project and will be thankful for any feedback.

Tuesday, 04 May 2004 08:17:05 UTC  #    Comments [3] -
Thursday, 16 September 2004 17:12:33 UTC
I installed it on my server and the client on my workstation and when I try and log in I get

9/16/2004 1:09:26 PM] login: Server was unable to process request. --> The SourceSafe database path csis does not exist. Please select another database csis is my username I created in VSS on the server. What am I missing?
Charles Dasher
Thursday, 16 September 2004 20:16:55 UTC
The possible reason is that you didn't grant enough access rights to ASPNET account.

Since the application works on behalf of ASPNET account (ASP.NET machine account), which has security restrictions. So, you have to grant it read/write/browse and modify access on the folder, where srcsafe.ini is placed (and on its subfolders too). Note: ASP.NET on Windows 2003 Server is working under NETWORK SERVICE account instead of ASPNET one.

To check that you have done all cor aalll ccorrect, use Test method on web-service page.
Arthur Nesterovsky
Tuesday, 20 December 2005 01:03:50 UTC
How to solve COMException 0x8000401A on login

You guys better thank me for this! Because I searched and couldnt find this solution anywhere, had to figure it out the hard way!

So after install I kept getting this when trying to login :
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000401A)

I am running vss2005 on server2003 and had given aspnet user and network-service user full permissions on my sourcesafe folder, but still got this error.

Eventually I stumbled across this solution:
1. Goto run box and type dcomcnfg
2. Under console root?component services , Expand it until you get to COM+ Applications
3. Here you see the sccserver component, right click and choose properties.
4. Goto the identity tab, here the “currently logged on user” is chosen by default. Change this to network service.
5. Try the test part of the webservice to check if you can login. https://vssserver/VssBridge/repository.asmx?op=Test

It works well! I have it configured for ssl too.

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