My next SQL puzzle (thanks to fabulous XQuery support in SQL Server 2005) is how to reconstruct xml from the hierarchy table. This is reverse to the "Load xml into the table".
Suppose you have:
select Parent, Node, Name from Data
where (Parent, Node) - defines xml hierarchy, and Name - xml element name.
How would you restore original xml?
November 8, 2006 To my anonymous reader:
declare @content nvarchar(max);set @content = '';with Tree(Node, Parent, Name) as( /* Source tree */ select Node, Parent, Name from Data),Leaf(Node) as( select Node from Tree except select Parent from Tree),NodeHeir(Node, Ancestor) as( select Node, Parent from Tree union all select H.Node, T.Parent from Tree T inner join NodeHeir H on H.Ancestor = T.Node),ParentDescendants(Node, Descendats) as( select Ancestor, count(Ancestor) from NodeHeir where Ancestor > 0 group by Ancestor),Line(Row, Node, Text) as( select O.Row, T.Node, O.Text from ParentDescendants D inner join Tree T on D.Node = T.Node cross apply ( select D.Node * 2 - 1 Row, '<' + T.Name + '>' Text union all select (D.Node + D.Descendats) * 2, '</' + T.Name + '>' ) O union all select D.Node * 2 - 1, T.Node, '<' + T.Name + '/>' from Leaf D inner join Tree T on D.Node = T.Node)select top(cast(0x7fffffff as int)) @content = @content + Text from Lineorder by Row asc, Node descoption(maxrecursion 128);select cast(@content as xml);
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