Yesterday's idea has inspired me as much as to create a prototype implementation of map and tuple in the xslt 2.0.
Definitely I wished these were a built-in types, and were considered as atomic values for purposes of comparasions and iteration. This way it were possible to create highly efficient grouping per several fields at once.
This pure implementation ( is rather scetchy, however it allows to feel what can be done with tuples and maps. I guess a good example may say more than many other words, so have a pleasure:
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:f="" exclude-result-prefixes="xs f"> <xsl:include href="tuple.xslt"/> <xsl:include href="map.xslt"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <root> <xsl:variable name="tuples" as="item()*" select=" f:tuple ( for $i in 1 to 10 return f:tuple(1 to $i) )"/> <total-items> <xsl:sequence select="count($tuples)"/> </total-items> <tuples-size> <xsl:sequence select="f:tuple-size($tuples)"/> </tuples-size> <sums-per-tuples> <xsl:for-each select="1 to f:tuple-size($tuples)"> <xsl:variable name="index" as="xs:integer" select="position()"/> <sum index="{$index}" value="{sum(f:tuple-items(f:tuple-item($tuples, $index)))}"/> </xsl:for-each> </sums-per-tuples> <xsl:variable name="cities" as="element()*"> <city name="Jerusalem" country="Israel"/> <city name="London" country="Great Britain"/> <city name="Paris" country="France"/> <city name="New York" country="USA"/> <city name="Moscow" country="Russia"/> <city name="Tel Aviv" country="Israel"/> <city name="St. Petersburg" country="Russia"/> </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="map" as="item()*" select=" f:map ( for $city in $cities return ($city/string(@country), $city) )"/> <xsl:for-each select="f:map-keys($map)"> <xsl:variable name="key" as="xs:string" select="."/> <country name="{$key}"> <xsl:sequence select="f:map-value($map, $key)"/> </country> </xsl:for-each> </root> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
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