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# Thursday, 28 May 2009

Well, it's jxom no more but also csharpxom!

A project concerns demanded us to create a C# 3.0 xml schema.

Shortly we expect to create an xslt serializing an xml document in this schema into a text. Thankfully to the original design we can reuse java streamer almost without changes.

A fact: C# schema more than twice bigger than the java's.

Thursday, 28 May 2009 09:57:02 UTC  #    Comments [4] -
Announce | xslt
Tuesday, 09 June 2009 20:08:34 UTC
Friday, 03 July 2009 17:54:29 UTC
serializing an xml document is not a cost-effective procedure. that is to say, the application is too complex and subjects to a plethora of bugs
Friday, 03 July 2009 18:52:15 UTC

Dear Comics, thanks for the comment!

In no way we're suggesting that jxom/C# xom is the most efficient way to generate java/C# code. However, there are many cases where xml/xml schemas/xslt fit very well.

In fact whenever your data is tree structured and you need to manipulate it, and in particular to produce java/C# code, then jxom/C# xom could be a good choice.

jxom now is in a stable state, and C# xom will achieve the same stability soon. Both are used in the production projects.
Vladimir Nesterovsky
Friday, 03 July 2009 20:24:04 UTC

In fact, the cost-effectiveness is subjective measure, and depends on task you're implementing. If you have to create and then, on a later stage to do a code refactoring and optimization then C#/jxom + XSLT are better choice than many other solutions. If you need something for real-time processing then take a look at code-dom for .NET, or other solutions for Java.

How and what tool to use depends on a triplet "subject, tool and task",and affects a general productiveness.
Arthur Nesterovsky
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