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# Tuesday, 03 November 2009

In a twitter I've found a conversation:

michaelhkay: @fgeorges [XSLT 2.1 - Still nothing public?] Afraid not. Why don't you join the WG and help to speed things up?

I think it's a tendency.

WGs are a very different world. There people think of eternity... There a pace of time is less important than final words. But developers who're busy with their projects, and have no enough spare time to help to WGs, cannot wait for years for good specs and implementations. On the other hand good designers succeed dealing with existing technologies.

Looking into the future I see different perspectives regarding WGs. The one I think the most is that eventually WG'll run out of its enthusiasm, which I suspect happens after the second generation of members, and a technology'll go either to a museum, become a legacy but sill used one, or hopefully to a university community.

At present I'm calm about Xslt/XQuery WGs, as they're only approaching to the second generation. My fears're about C++ WG, which is on its third decade...

Tuesday, 03 November 2009 09:21:25 UTC  #    Comments [0] -

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