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# Tuesday, 15 June 2010

In previous posts we were crying about problems with JSF to ASP.NET migration. Let's point to another one.

Consider that you have an input field, whose value should be validated:

<input type="text" runat="server" ID="id1222146409" maxlength="4"/>
<bphx:DataBindExtender runat="server"
  TargetControlID="id1222146409" ControlProperty="Value"
  DataSource="<%# Import.AaControlAttributes %>"

Here we have an input control, whose value is bound to Import.AaControlAttributes.UserEnteredTrancode property. But what is missed is a value validation. Somewhere we have a function that could answer the question whether the value is valid. It should be called like this: Functions.IsTransactionCodeValid(value).

Staying within standard components we can use a custom validator on the page:

<asp:CustomValidator runat="server"
  ErrorMessage="Invalid transaction code."/>

and add the following code-behind:

protected void ValidateTransaction(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
  args.IsValid = Functions.IsTransactionCodeValid(args.Value);

This approach works, however it pollutes the code-behind with many very similar methods. The problem is that the validation rules in most cases are not property of page but one of data model. That's why page validation methods just forward check to somewhere.

While thinking on how to simplify the code we have came up with more conscious and short way to express validators, namely using lambda functions. To that end we have introduced a Validator property of type ValueValidator over DataBindExtender. Where

/// <summary>A delegate to validate values.</summary>
/// <param name="extender">An extender instance.</param>
/// <param name="value">A value to validate.</param>
/// <returns>true for valid value, and false otherwise.</returns>
public delegate bool ValueValidator(DataBindExtender extender, object value);

/// <summary>An optional data member validator.</summary>
public virtual ValueValidator Validator { get; set; }

With this new property the page markup looks like this:

<input type="text" runat="server" ID="id1222146409" maxlength="4"/>
<bphx:DataBindExtender runat="server"
  TargetControlID="id1222146409" ControlProperty="Value"
  DataSource="<%# Import.AaControlAttributes %>"
  Validator='<%# (extender, value) => Functions.IsTransactionCodeValid(value as string) %>'
  ErrorMessage="Invalid transaction code."/>

This is almost like an event handler, however it allowed us to call data model validation logic without unnecessary code-behind.

The updated DataBindExtender can be found at DataBindExtender.cs.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010 06:36:44 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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