We could not stand the temptation to implement the @Yield annotation that we described earlier.
Idea is rather clear but people are saying that it's not an easy task to update the sources.
They were right!
Implementation has its price, as we were forced to access JDK's classes of javac compiler. As result, at present, we don't support other compilers such as EclipseCompiler. We shall look later what can be done in this area.
At present, annotation processor works perfectly when you run javac either from the command line, from ant, or from other build tool.
Here is an example of how method is refactored:
@Yield public static Iterable<Long> fibonachi() { ArrayList<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); long Ti = 0; long Ti1 = 1; while(true) { items.add(Ti); long value = Ti + Ti1; Ti = Ti1; Ti1 = value; } }
And that's how we transform it:
@Yield() public static Iterable<Long> fibonachi() { assert (java.util.ArrayList<Long>)(ArrayList<Long>)null == null : null; class $state$ implements java.lang.Iterable<Long>, java.util.Iterator<Long>, java.io.Closeable { public java.util.Iterator<Long> iterator() { if ($state$id == 0) { $state$id = 1; return this; } else return new $state$(); } public boolean hasNext() { if (!$state$nextDefined) { $state$hasNext = $state$next(); $state$nextDefined = true; } return $state$hasNext; } public Long next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException(); $state$nextDefined = false; return $state$next; } public void remove() { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void close() { $state$id = 5; } private boolean $state$next() { while (true) switch ($state$id) { case 0: $state$id = 1; case 1: Ti = 0; Ti1 = 1; case 2: if (!true) { $state$id = 4; break; } $state$next = Ti; $state$id = 3; return true; case 3: value = Ti + Ti1; Ti = Ti1; Ti1 = value; $state$id = 2; break; case 4: case 5: default: $state$id = 5; return false; } } private long Ti; private long Ti1; private long value; private int $state$id; private boolean $state$hasNext; private boolean $state$nextDefined; private Long $state$next; } return new $state$(); }
Formatting is automatic, sorry, but anyway it's for diagnostics only. You will never see this code.
It's iteresting to say that this implementation is very precisely mimics xslt state machine implementation we have done back in 2008.
You can download YieldProcessor here. We hope that someone will find our solution very interesting.
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