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# Thursday, 28 March 2013

Two weeks ago we've gotten new Lenovo 13" laptops (Yoga-13 with touch screens and Windows 8 Pro on board).

The first expression was WOW! Touch screens! Windows 8! Now we'll try our hand on that new (for us) API. So new, so cool...

A day later. What a shit this new UI. Where are my desktop, "Start" button, all the programs... After googling we've understood - we're not alone.

Few more days later. We've recognized that our SSD hard disk won't live long life with our projects. We generates output several GB a day. Thus we've decided to buy external SD cards - additional 64Gb, class 10. That's enough for us. No sooner said than done. After several attempts to copy our projects from hard drive to SD card (~9Gb of sources) we strongly believe that such a vigorous mix (Lenovo + Win 8 + external SD card) won't survive. Windows 8 hangs up when display off (in middle of data copy, after an hour of work). What a .... of .... this Windows 8, Lenovo and SD cards all together.

Thursday, 28 March 2013 22:39:55 UTC  #    Comments [2] -
Thinking aloud
Friday, 29 March 2013 00:02:54 UTC
Was reading Amazon reviews on Yoga yesterday. Came across this:

The guy mentions power management, and suggests switching off power saving mode. That's for the UI drivers, I'd guess there are other places as well, and that seems like the reason for hanging. You may want to give it a try.
Friday, 29 March 2013 05:16:32 UTC
We tried it already. When power cable is plugged in, all power savings are off.

I would add a couple of more problems that irritates me a lot:
1. loose keyboard

You can incidentally get keyboard off its host with a nail of a finger.
Underneath you will see memory slots and propellers.
People suggest to use scotch to keep it locked. :-)

2. Windows 8 re-implemented wireless support. Now, you cannot easily share internet connection ewith wireless (wireless hotspot). You have to run some cmds.

3. Due to the same reason as before our wireless netsticks does not work properly with the new laptop, while still works perfectly with the old one.
Vladimir Nesterovsky
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