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# Sunday, 25 May 2014

After several years of experience with KendoUI we turned our attention to AngularJS. As many other libraries it has its strong and weak sides. There are many resources describing what AngularJS is, and what it is not. Our approach to study AngularJS was through an attempt to integrate it into an existing KendoUI web application.

It's rather straightforward to convert model from KendoUI into AngularJS, as logically both frameworks are equal in this regard. But tactically KendoUI implements model-view binding very differently than AngularJS does. KendoUI binds model to view immediately per each model field, where AngularJS delays a binding of each model field and performs whole model binding in one go. Angular's approach is more performant, and even more appealing to a developer, though the problem is that the time it takes to make whole model binding is proportional to a size (number of objects and properties) of model. This means that if you have a relatively big model you will experience tangible halts in browser's UI while a javascript updating view/model is running.

AngularJS advices some workaround, which in essence is to avoid big model. The problem is that a couple of thousands or even several hundrends of objects and properties are already considered big model. So, you should immediately plan your model, and view to avoid any potential impact. This seriously distracts from the task your're solving.

The idea that your UI will halt for the time proportional to the size of your whole model looks flawed in our opinion. KendoUI knows no such a problem. That's the reason why our KendoUI to AngularJS transition experience was not smooth.

Our analysis of AngularJS sources shows that the issue could be resolved provided model to view binding (it's called digest in that library) was asynchronous.

To verify our ideas we have created a branch nesterovsky-bros/angular.js where we implemented required refactorings. It includes:

  • API based on existing deferred/promise to write algorithms in async way, and
  • refactored digest logic.

At the end we have proposed to integrate our changes into the main branch: Make $digest async.

We're not sure whether our proposition will be integrated (rather no than yes). Nevertheless what we have come with is an interesting extension of deferred object that we neither have seen in AngularJS nor in JQuery, so later we will quote that API from q.js and scheduler.js.

Sunday, 25 May 2014 08:02:41 UTC  #    Comments [2] -
AngularJS | javascript | kendoui | Thinking aloud
Wednesday, 28 May 2014 00:27:48 UTC
This does not make sense to me, why does making this asynchronous make it run faster? I've been working with Angular for some time now, and find that most complaints about the $digest are due to a naive implementation.
Isaac Shapira
Wednesday, 28 May 2014 02:41:41 UTC

please note that we do not claim that digest will run faster, rather we say that it will not block UI.

Let's assume a big model (e.g. grid or tree with many items), and let's assume the digest runs 0.5 sec. This means your application freezes each time you have digest with current implementation.

Async digest will split its work in chunks that won't run longer than 100ms (parameter). So, application will be much responsive.

This example is correct for any sync/async comparison. Async does not make code faster. Opposite, total run time of async code is longer. What is important is that async does not block resources (GUI, threads and so on) for a long time.
Vladimir Nesterovsky
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