This task is already discussed many times. SQL Server 2005 allows to create an inline function that splits such a string. The logic of such a function is self explanatory, which also hints that SQL syntax became better:
/* Returns numbers table. Table has a following structure: table(value int not null); value is an integer number that contains numbers from 0 to a specified value.*/create function dbo.Numbers( /* Number of rows to return. */ @count int)returns table asreturn with numbers(value) as ( select 0 union all select value * 2 + 1 from numbers where value < @count / 2 union all select value * 2 + 2 from numbers where value < (@count - 1) / 2)select row_number() over(order by U.v) valuefrom numbers cross apply (select 0 v) U;/* Splits string using split character. Returns a table that contains split positions and split values: table(Pos, Value)*/create function dbo.Split( /* A string to split. */ @value nvarchar(max), /* An optional split character.*/ @splitChar nvarchar(max) = N',')returns table asreturn with Bound(Pos) as( select Value from dbo.Numbers(len(@value)) where (Value = 1) or (substring(@value, Value - 1, len(@splitChar)) = @splitChar)),Word(Pos, Value) as( select Bound.Pos, substring ( @value, Bound.Pos, case when Splitter.Pos > 0 then Splitter.Pos else len(@value) + 1 end - Bound.Pos ) from Bound cross apply (select charindex(@splitChar, @value, Pos) Pos) Splitter)select Pos, Value from Word;
declare @s nvarchar(max);set @s = N'ALFKI,BONAP,CACTU,FRANK';select Value from System.Split(@s, default) order by Pos;
See also: Arrays and Lists in SQL Server, Numbers table in SQL Server 2005, Parade of numbers
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