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# Friday, 14 May 2010

We have implemented report parser in C#. Bacause things are spinned around C#, a schema definition is changed.

We have started from classes defining a report definition tree, annotated these classes for xml serialization, and, finally, produced xml schema for such tree. So, at present, it is not an xml schema with annotations but a separate xml schema.

In addition we have defined APIs:

  • to enumerate report data (having report definition and report data one can get IEnumerable<ViewValue> to iterate report data in structured form);
  • to read report through XmlReader, which allows, for example, to have report as input for an xslt tranformation.
  • to write report directly into XmlWriter.

An example of report definition as C# code is: MyReport.cs. The very same report definition but serialized into xml is my-report.xml. A generated xml schema for a report definition is: schema0.xsd.

The good point about this solution is that it's already flexible enough to describe every report layout we have at hands, and it's extendable. Our measurments show that report parsing is extremely fast and have very small memory footprint due to forward only nature of report definitions.

From the design point of view report definition is a view of original text data with view info attached.

At present we have defined following views:

  • Element - a named view to generate output from a content view;
  •  Content - a view to aggregate other views together;
  • Choice - a view to produce output from one of content views;
  • Sequence - a view to sequence input view by key expressions, and to attach an index to each sequence item;
  • Iterator - a view to generate output from input view while some condition is true, and to attach an iteration index to each part of output view;
  • Page - a view to remove page headers and footers in the input view, and to attach an index to each page;
  • Compute - a named view to produce result of evaluation of expression as output view;
  •  Data - a named view to produce output value from some bounds of input view, and optionally to convert, validate and format the value.

To specify details of definitions there are:

  • expressions to deal with integers: Add, Div, Integer, MatchProperty, Max, Min, Mod, Mul, Neg, Null, Sub, VariableRef, ViewProperty, Case;
  • conditions to deal with booleans: And, EQ, GE, GT, IsMatch, LE, LT, NE, Not, Or.

At present there is no a specification of a report definitions. Probably, it's the most complex part to create such a spec for a user without deep knowledge. At present, our idea is that one should use xml schema (we should polish generated schema) for the report definition and schema aware editor to build report definitions. That's very robust approach working perfectly with languages xom.

C# sources can be found at: including report definition classes and a sample report.

Friday, 14 May 2010 12:45:42 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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