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# Wednesday, 04 January 2017

Although the golden age of IE8 has already passed and Microsoft already has stopped its support, this browser still occupies about 3% of the of the world market desktop browsers. Despite this, many big organisations still use this browser for enterprise web applications. We may confirm this, since we deal with such organisations around the world. Companies try to get rid of IE8, but this often requires Windows upgrade and resources to re-test all their web applications. If such company has many web terminals  with Windows 7 or even with XP, this task becames rather expensive. So, this process advances rather slowly. Meanwhile, these organizations don't stop development of new web applications that must work on new HTML5 browsers and on old IE8.

A year ago we had developed an UIUpload AngularJS directive and service that simplifies file uploading in web applications with AngularJS client. It works as expected on all HTML5 browsers. But few days ago, we were asked to help with file uploading from AngularJS web application that will work in IE8. We've spent few hours in order to investigate existing third-party AngularJS directives and components. Here are few of them:

All of these directives for IE8 degrade down to <form> and <iframe> and then track the uploading progress. These solutions don't allow to select files for old browsers. At the same time, our aim was to implement an AngularJS directive that allows selecting a file and perform uploading, which will work for IE8 and for new browsers too.

Since IE8 neither supports FormData nor File API, thus, the directive must work with DOM elements directly. In order to open file selection dialog we need to hide  <input type="file"/> element and then to route client-side event to it. When a file is selected it is sent to a server as multipart/form-data message. The server's result will be caught by hidden <iframe> element and passed to the directive's controller.

After few attempts we've implemented the desired directive. The small VS2015 solution that demonstrates this directive and server-side file handler you may download here.

The key feature of this directive is emulation of replace and template directive's definition properties:

       var directive =
          restrict: "AE",
            id: "@",
            serverUrl: "@",
            accept: "@?",
            onSuccess: "&",
            onError: "&?",
          link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller)
            var id = || ("fileUpload" + scope.$id);

            var template = "<iframe name='%id%$iframe' id='%id%$iframe' style='display: none;'>" +
              "</iframe><form name='%id%$form' enctype='multipart/form-data' " +
              "method='post' action='%action%' target='%id%$iframe'>" +
              "<span style='position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;padding:0;'>" +
              "%html%<input type='file' name='%id%$file' id='%id%$file' " +
              "style='position:absolute;height:100%;width:100%;left:-10px;top:-1px;z-index:100;" +
                replace("%action%", scope.serverUrl).
                  replace("%html%", element.html()).
                    replace(/%id%/g, id);


We used such emulation, since each directive instance (an element) must have unique name and ID in order to work properly. On the one hand template that returned by function should have a root element when you use replace. On the other hand, IE8 doesn't like such root element (e.g. we've not succeeded to dispatch the click javascript event to the <input> element).

The usage of the directive looks like as our previous example (see UIUpload):

    <a file-upload=""
      class="btn btn-primary"        
      on-success="controller.uploadSucceed(data, fileName)"
      on-error="controller.uploadFailed(e)">Click here to upload file</a>    


is a comma separated list of acceptable file extensions.
is server URL where to upload the selected file. In case when there is no "server-url" attribute the content of selected file will be passed to success handler as a data URI.
A "success" handler, which is called when upload is finished successfully.
An "error" handler, which is called when upload is failed.

We hope this simple directive may help to keep calm for those of you who is forced to deal with IE8 and more advanced browsers at the same time.

Wednesday, 04 January 2017 10:52:41 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
.NET | AngularJS | ASP.NET | javascript
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