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# Sunday, 20 February 2011

Last few days we were testing Java web-applications that expose web-services. During these tests we've found few interesting features.

The first feature allows to retrieve info about all endpoints supported by the web-application on GET request. The feature works at least for Metro that implements JAX-WS API v2.x. In order to get such info, a client sends any endpoint's URL to the server. The result is an HTML page with a table. Each row of such table contains an endpoint's data for each supported web-service method. This feature may be used as a web-services discovery mechanism.

The second feature is bad rather than good. JAX-WS API supposes that a developer annotates classes and methods that he/she wants to expose as web-services. Then, an implementation generates additional layer-bridge between developer's code and API that does all routine work behind the scene. May be that was a good idea, but Metro's implementation is imperfect. Metro dynamically generates such classes at run-time when a web-application starts. Moreover, Metro does such generation for all classes at once. So, in our case, when the generated web-based application contains dozens or even hundreds of web-services, the application's startup takes a lot of time.

Probably, Metro developers didn't want to deal with implementation of lazy algorithms, when a web-service is generated and cached on demand. We hope this issue will be solved in next releases.

Sunday, 20 February 2011 10:20:12 UTC  #    Comments [0] -
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