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# Saturday, 09 February 2008


I was not writing for a long time. IMHO: nothing to say? - do not noise!

Nowadays I'm busy with xslt.

Should I be pleased that w3c committee has finally delivered xpath 2.0/xslt 2.0/xquery? There possibly were people who have failed to wait till this happened, and who have died. Be grateful to the fate we have survived!

I'm working now with saxon 9. It's good implementation, however too interpreter like in my opinion. I think these languages could be compiled down to machine/vm code the same way as c++/java/c# do.

To the point.
I need to generate java code in xslt. I've done this earlier; that time I dealt with relatively simple templates like beans or interfaces. Now I need to generate beans, interfaces, classes with logic. In fact I should cover almost all java 6 features.

Immediately I've started thinking in terms of java xml object model (jxom). Thus there will be an xml schema of jxom (Am I inventing bicycle? I pray you to point me to an existing schema!) - java grammar as xml. There will be xslts, which generate code according to this schema, and xslt that will serialize jxom documents derectly into java.

This two stage generation is important as there are essentially two different tasks: generate java code, and serialize it down to a text format. Moreover whenever I have jxom document I can manipulate it! And finally this will allow to our team to concentrate efforts, as one should only generate jxom document.

Yesterday, I've found java ANLT grammar, and have converted it into xml schema: java.xsd. It is important to have this xml schema defined, even if no one shall use it except in editor, as it makes jxom generation more formal.

The next step is to create xslt serializer, which is in todo list.

To feel how jxom looks I've created it manually for some simple java file:

// $Id: 1122 2007-12-31 12:43:47Z arthurn $

import java.util.List;

* Encapsulates encyclopedia database access.

public interface DataAdapter
   * Starts data access session for a specified model.
   * @param modelId - a model to open.

  void open(int modelId)
    throws Exception;

   * Ends data access session.

  void close()
   throws Exception;

   * Gets current model id.
   * @return current model id.

  int getModelId();

   * Gets data objects for a specified object type for the current model.
   * @param type - an object type to get data objects for.
   * @return list of data objects.

  List<DataObject> getObjectsForType(short type)
    throws Exception;

   * Gets a list of data associations for an object id.
   * @param id - object id.
   * @return list of data associations.

  List<DataAssociation> getAssociations(int id)
    throws Exception;

   * Gets a list of data properties for an object id.
   * @param id - object id.
   * @return list of data properties.

  List<DataProperty> getProperties(int id)
    throws Exception;


<unit xmlns="" package="">
  <comment>$Id: 1122 2007-12-31 12:43:47Z arthurn $</comment>
  <import package="java.util.List"/>
  <interface access="public" name="DataAdapter">
    <comment doc="true">Encapsulates encyclopedia database access.</comment>
    <method name="open">
      <comment doc="true">
        Starts data access session for a specified model.
        <para type="param" name="modelId">a model to open.</para>
        <parameter name="modelId"><type name="int"/></parameter>
      <throws><type name="Exception"/></throws>
    <method name="close">
      <comment doc="true">Ends data access session.</comment>
      <throws><type name="Exception"/></throws>
    <method name="getModelId">
      <comment doc="true">
        Gets current model id.
        <para type="return">current model id.</para>
      <returns><type name="int"/></returns>
      <throws><type name="Exception"/></throws>
    <method name="getObjectsForType">
      <comment doc="true">
        Gets data objects for a specified object type for the current model.
        <para name="param" type="type">
          an object type to get data objects for.
        <para type="return">list of data objects.</para>
          <part name="List">
            <typeArgument><type name="DataObject"/></typeArgument>
        <parameter name="type"><type name="short"/></parameter>
      <throws><type name="Exception"/></throws>
    <method name="getAssociations">
      <comment doc="true">
        Gets a list of data associations for an object id.
        <para type="param" name="id">object id.</para>
        <para type="return">list of data associations.</para>
          <part name="List">
            <typeArgument><type name="DataAssociation"/></typeArgument>
        <parameter name="id"><type name="int"/></parameter>
      <throws><type name="Exception"/></throws>
    <method name="getProperties">
      <comment doc="true">
        Gets a list of data properties for an object id.
        <para type="param" name="id">object id.</para>
        <para type="return">list of data properties.</para>
        <!-- Compact form of generic type. -->
        <type name="List<DataProperty>"/>
        <parameter name="id"><type name="int"/></parameter>
      <throws><type name="Exception"/></throws>

To read about xslt for jxom please follow this link.

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